CRCM Meeting Report for August 2nd, 2013

Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (12) members & (1) guest


  1. The Carl Barshop auction went very Carl’s wife Linda donated half of the proceeds to the club ($952.00) and the other half to cancer research.
  2. Fred Cedarholm mentioned that Venture Hobbies is going out of Try to give Al’s Hobby Shop as much of our business as possible. Economy has been rough on the airplane, boat and helicopter side of the business.
  3. Big Bird fly­in/picnic – August 4th
  4. Fun Fly #4 – August 18th

Minutes of July 5th Meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: President Marcellino presented the treasury report in the place of Treasurer Ed Kamm. Report accepted.

Committee Reports:

Fred Cedarholm – Spoke briefly regarding the scale fly­in scheduled for September 15th. Ray Donati – Spoke about the Big Bird Fly­in / Picnic scheduled for August 4th.

Old Business: None.

New Business: None.

Entertainment: None. (Sig will do a presentation at the next meeting Sept. 6th)

Tips and Tricks: Marcellino demonstrated a way to use a piece of smaller fuel tubing to hold a larger fuel hose onto a fuel system barb. Can be used for gas and nitro fuel tubing. This is a substitute for using metal clamps.

Model of the Month: Dick Hamilton – Great Planes Escapade

Raffle Winners: Pierre, Ken, Joe, Ray Tinley, Ray Donati, Gene, Jim and Marcellino

Meeting adjourned at 8:30.