CRCM Meeting Report for July 10th, 2015

Meeting opened at 6:30 pm (at the flying field) – President Marcellino Presiding

Attendance: (24) members & (0) guests


  1. Fun Fly #3 rescheduled, with 9/27 proposed rain out day.
  2. Trainer Day #2, Saturday July 18th (Volunteers needed).
  3. Cantigny Park Presentation will be Thursday July 30th.
  4. Flysafe Chicago Event will take place Saturday, August 1st, Noon to 6 pm.
  5. Jim Thompson reported that the Electric Fun Fly was a great success; many pilots, good food and good weather.
  6. Dana Berry mentioned that a B­17 will be at Kankakee Airport.
  7. Member Ed Bywalec is not doing well. Prayers and well wishes appreciated.

Minutes of June 5th Meeting: Read by President Marcellino (in lieu of Mike Celli) and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by President Marcellino (in lieu of Ed Kamm) and accepted ($3,827.96 Checking Acct., $4,605.30 Field Fund = $8,4333.26 Total)

Committee Reports: None.

Old Business:

  1. Trainer Days (Potential to combine with Circle Cutters); Coordinator
  2. Club Golf outing is being coordinated by Al Brose; September 20th. Will be at Golf Course of Contact Al Brose for additional details.

New Business:

  1. Fred Cedarholm will be submitting estimates to the Forest Preserve for asphalt crack repair.
  2. Jim Thompson is planning to speak and show a static model display at A Book Above bookstore “Air & Water Show” August 8th or 9th.

Entertainment: None

Tips and Tricks: None

Models of the Month: 1) Jim Thompson: FMS T­28 Electric, 2) Brandon Sobolewski: Sig T­ Clips, 3) Gene Snow: HobbyShack Real Thing

Raffle Winners: None

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.