CRCM Meeting Report for March 7th, 2014

Meeting opened at 7:30 pm

Attendance: (25) members & (1) guest


  1. President Marcellino reminded everyone to renew their club and AMA memberships if they haven’t done so already.
  2. Winter fun fly is March 9th.
  3. Barnstormer’s swap meet is April 19th at DuPage County

Minutes of February 7th Meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Ed Kamm and accepted.

Committee Reports: None.

Old Business:

  1. Treasurer Ed Kamm presented the new club mailbox and brochures to the Special thanks to Ed for all the hard work putting this together.
  2. There was discussion about a club sponsored AMA brick program for those members who have passed Will be discussed at next board meeting.
  3. Looking for a volunteer to run funfly #5. Brian Nowak is listed as an alternate.
  4. Bob Roggeveen is looking into advertising for Trainer Days.
  5. If anyone knows or has kids or grandkids in the Scouts or similar organizations that the club may reach out to, please let President Marcellino know.
  6. Let President Marcellino know of any corrections to the events calendar.

New Business:

  1. Fred Cedarholm asked the membership if anyone is interested in bulk fuel Marcellino will send out an order form via email.
  2. Greg Ross brought up the idea of using a special mesh material to cover the existing asphalt Discussion ensued regarding different ideas for field repair.
  3. There was discussion regarding the club mowing the field to increase the field size since the Forest Preserve keeps mowing less and less of the The Schubkegel’s have a mower available.
  4. Brian Nowak will again look into a Fly­n­Shoot event for the club down in Morris, This event fell through last year.
  5. President Marcellino again asked for any suggestions for Entertainment.
  6. George Schubkegel asked the membership for alternate ideas for the annual club banquet to increase the attendance and make the event more handicap Board will discuss further.
  7. Dick Hamilton donated propellers to the club that he is no longer

Entertainment: None.

Tips and Tricks: 1) Rick Bekielewski – Showed how to make plane building supports from PVC, 2) Ray Donati – Showed plane supports made from clamps ­ J & L Power Products (Marcellino will email a link to the membership for this product).

Model of the Month: Bob Carroll – Top­Flite Contender Gold Edition ; Winner – Bob Carroll.

Raffle Winners: Ray Donati, Brian, Ray Tinley, Dick Hamilton and Rick B.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.