CRCM Meeting Report for February 2nd, 2018
Meeting opened 7:35 pm – President Marcellino Presiding
Attendance: (17) members & (0) guests
- Club Banquet (December 9th) went great, good turnout and food. Thanks to George and Joe Schubkegel for organizing the event.
- New Year’s Day Fun Fly on 1/1/18 went well, very cold and lots of snow on the ground. Some flying took place and the chili made it all worthwhile.
- Next club event will be the Winter Fun Fly on Sunday 3/4/18.
- CRCM 2018 Events Calendar — President Marcellino revised the calendar to include the following dates:
- Night Fly dates 4/14 & 9/1 (Saturday). Reminder that dates are selected based on it getting darker earlier.
- AMA Memberships 2018 reminder.
- Club Membership — Accepting dues for 2018.
- Ed Bywalec **Update** Ed is home. No further information is known. A call or visit would be great.
- Tri-Village Swap-n-Shop is Saturday, Feb. 3rd at DuPage County fair grounds, 9 am to 12 pm.
- Fox Valley RC Swap-n-Shop is Saturday, Feb. 17th at Kane County fair grounds, 9 am to 1 pm.
- HobbyTown Schaumburg has been bought out by HobbyTown St. Charles and will be stocked similar to the St. Charles store. Members are encouraged to support these shops whenever possible.
Minutes of December 1st Meeting: Read by Secretary Mike Celli and accepted.
Treasury Report: Presented by President Marcellino and accepted (Total $7,021.33).
Committee Reports: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Entertainment: None.
Tips and Tricks: None.
Models of the Month: Jim Collins: Showed his full scale plane to the club membership.
Raffle Winners: Red Tickets: Save for next meeting. Green Tickets: All present got something from the table.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.