Meeting Report for February 4th, 2022
Meeting opened 7:30 pm – Treasurer Kevin Peterson presiding.
Attendance: (14) members & (0) guests
1. Please let President Marcellino know if there are any mistakes or conflicts in the 2022 Events Calendar and he will incorporate the corrections.
2. Winter Fun Fly will be Sunday, February 27th starting at 10:00 am.
3. Gun Range Club Survey of those interested in this event:
- 13 – Yes
- 2 – Guests
- 6 – No
President Marcellino will provide more details on this event in the near future.
Minutes of January 7th meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.
Treasury Report: Given by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted ($6,641.47 Total).
Guests: None.
Committee Reports: Ray Donati stated the Commissioner never showed up at the Democratic Dinner Party. No further movement on the field repair.
Old Business: Brian D. talked about a Club Bowling Night. There seems to be an interest among members for Tuesday or Thursday evenings, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Rand Bowling Alley. A survey will be sent out by Marcellino in the near future to get a better idea of interest.
New Business: A new Club Banquet coordinator will be needed for year 2022. Thanks to Dana Berry for coordinating the Club Banquet for 2021.
Tips and Tricks: Brian D.: Use the correct power switch for use withe LiPo batteries as standard Rx switches may not be rated to handle the high LiPo currents.
Model of the Month:
Jim Collins: Showed off his Carl Goldberg Senior Falcon with 10cc Stinger gas engine.
Brian D.: Provided an update of his Filght Test Simple Stik which is now painted orange and bombs accessories added.
Raffle: Held by Jim Collins
Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 pm.