Club Meeting Report for October 5th, 2024

Meeting opened 7:30 pm – President Marcellino Presiding

Attendance: (13) members & (0) guests


1.  Fun Fly Was September 8th (“Hands Off”), Winners: Bob C., Marcellino B., Pat D., Brian D.

2.  Scale Day was September 15th, Big Thanks to Marcellino for running. Marcellino’s Blue Ducted

Jet one First Place Prize.


3.  Fun Fly Make-up Day will be Sunday, October 6th, “Pylon Racing”.


4.  Golf Outing on September 29th was great success; Three foursomes and beautiful weather.


5.  Harper College Trainer Day Saturday 10/5 – Marcellino and Kevin will be training six Harper Students.


6.  Float Fly Final Day will be October 12th.


7.  Club Swap Meet November 2nd will be CANCELLED for 2024 due to low turnouts.

8.  CRCM CLUB BANQUET will be November 9th – Still in planning stage.

9.  Mike Celli reported no new news about field construction from Forest Preserve.


Read minutes of Last Meeting (Mike Celli, Secretary)

1. Minutes read by Kevin Peterson (Treasurer) for September 6th, 2024 meeting.

Treasurer’s Report (Kevin Peterson, Treasurer)

1. Treasurer’s report read by Kevin Peterson and accepted.

  • Total – $6,081.92.

No guests were present at meeting.

Committee Reports: NONE.

Unfinished Business: NONE.

New Business:

1. Rick B. (Recently passed) wife MadEleine reached out to the club via Rick’s friend to have a night fly in honor of Rick. Plans to be worked out by Marcellino B. Probably occur during 2025 flying season.

2. Special thanks to Al Brose for striping the field.

3. Ray Tinley brought up mowing the left part of the field. Club to look into cutting the high weeds and brush with the Forest Preserve. 

Entertainment: NONE. 

Tips & Tricks: NONE.

Model of the Month: NONE.

Raffle (Jim Collins, Vice President)

1.  White ticket won by Al Brose, $60.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 pm.