Meeting Report for September 3rd, 2021

Meeting opened 7:30 pm – President Marcellino presiding.

Attendance: (18) members & (3) guests

  • Club welcomed Chris, Chris, Jr. & Ronnie


1.  Fun Fly #4 Occurred August 15th.

2.  Night Fly #4 Occurred August 28th.

3.  Club received donation from RAM Hobbies in the amount of $25.

4. Scale Fly-In will be held September 12th.

5. CRCM Golf Outing will be September 26th, Al Brose coordinating.

6. Fun Fly #5 was moved from September 5th to October 3rd. 

7. 2021 40th Annual Swap-n-Shop will be November 6th.

8. Club is reinstating it’s LLC status as it lapsed some time ago. Waiting on FED ID.

Minutes of August 6th meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Given by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted.

Guests:  Marcellino’s brother Chris and two sons. 

Committee Reports: Dana Berry is coordinating the Club Banquet November 13th at Moretti’s in Mount Prospect. 

Old Business:  None.

New Business:  Brian D. brought up two issues, 1) Hole at field needs to be filled for safety reasons, 2) Wasp nests need to be dealt

with in airplane setup benches.

Tips and Tricks:  None.

Models of the Month:  None

Raffle: Held by Jim C. 

Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 pm.