CRCM Meeting Report for July 8th, 2016
Meeting opened (at the flying field) 7:00 pm – President Marcellino Presiding
Attendance: (18) members & (1) guest
- President Marcellino introduced new member Larry Abbinante to the club. Larry is a new pilot. Members gave him a warm welcome.
- Trainer Day #1 was Saturday June 4th. Day was rained out for the most part. Thanks to Gene S., Kevin P. and Rick B. for helping out.
- Fun Fly #2 was June 12th. Ed Kamm reported a good time was had by all.
- Electric Fly In was June 25th. Jim Thompson reported a lower than usual turnout of nine pilots. There was some confusion with event date and time that may have contributed to the low turnout. Andy Petlak contributed the tasty Chili. Thanks Andy !
- Fun Fly #3 will be July 10th (Sunday) hosted by Al Brose.
- Trainer Day #2 will be July 16th (Sunday). Kevin Peterson and Jim Collins will be the primary trainers that day. The club currently has two trainer aircraft.
Minutes of June 3rd Meeting: Read by President Marcellino and accepted.
Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted.
Committee Reports: Ray Donati reminded the membership about the Big Bird / Picnic in August. Ray needs to get a head count.
Old Business:
- Replacing the plastic fence with metal chain link — Membership needs to vote on $300 material allowance; Labor to be provided by the Club Membership.
- President Marcellino needs to email out an updated paid membership directory.
- Jim Thompson is continuing to follow-up with the Forest Preserve concerning asphalt replacement. No news as of yet.
New Business: None
Entertainment: None
Tips and Tricks: None
Models of the Month: None
Raffle Winners: No raffle was held
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.