CRCM Meeting Report for May 4th, 2018
Meeting opened 7:40 pm – President Marcellino Presiding
Attendance: (17) members & (0) guests
- Cantigny Invite 7/26 (Thursday) 12 Noon – 4:00 pm. Marcellino to send out survey to gauge member interest in attending this event.
- Night Fly, 4/14/18 was cancelled; Members in attendance voted to schedule the next Night Fly event on July 28th, starting at 6:00 pm. Location: Glenview Naval Air Station. More information to follow.
- Field Maintenance Day occurred on 4/22/18; Rick B. and Kevin P. striped the field; Some work was done on the fence. Thanks guys for stepping up for this important work !!
- Hobby Town Schaumburg Grand Opening Event occurred on 4/28 @ 9 am to 6 pm; Kevin, Jim and Ray manned the table at various times. Thanks guys for volunteering for this event !!
- Promotional Trainer Day sponsored by Hobby Town was brought up by Hobby Town Schaumburg / St. Charles owner Brian Lee. Hobby Town will advertise, Club would provide planes and instructors and possibly light beverages.
- Fun Fly #1, Pylon Racing, Sunday 5/20 @ 9:00 am – Ed Kamm is Event Coordinator.
Minutes of April 6th Meeting: Read by Secretary Mike Celli and accepted
Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted (Total $7,528.07).
Committee Reports: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Entertainment: None.
Tips and Tricks: Dana Berry: Nitro and gasoline users, check your fuel tank stopper if your engine is running rough or not idling well. There may be an air leak. Replace at least every 4 or 5 years to be safe.
Models of the Month: Ray Tinley: Horizon Hobby Hangar 9 Twist 40
Raffle Winners: President Marcellino won the big prize Hobby Zone Carbon Cub S+
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.