CRCM Meeting Report for December 6th, 2013
Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (22) members & (1) guest
- President Marcellino reminded the membership to renew memberships for Cost is $35. Don’t forget AMA memberships as well.
- Marcellino is collating information regarding another club survey. A club survey will be emailed out to the membership in the near
Minutes of November 1st Meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.
Treasury Report: Presented by President Marcellino in lieu of Ed Kamm and accepted.
Committee Reports:
George Schubkegel – Club swap meet went well, slightly better than previous year. Small items ($5 to $20) were the big sellers, more expensive items tended not to sell so well. Special thanks to Steve Fortman for helping with the event.
Ray Donati – Big Bird flyin next year will be Sunday, August 10th.
Old Business:
Club is purchasing a $100.00 AMA commemorative brick in Carl Barshop’s name. Ed Bywalec is taking care of this.
Marcellino is continuing to research club umbrellas for the Carl Barshop memorial. The club is still accepting ideas for the memorial. Send any input to Marcellino.
New Business:
- Marcellino reminded the membership about the January 1st New Years fun fly.
- Marcellino reminded the membership that volunteers are needed to run the fun fly’s for 2014. Any and all help is greatly appreciated by the Club.
Entertainment: None.
Tips and Tricks: 1) Ray Donati – Use wooden dowels cut to length to provide engine offset from the firewall. The cut dowels should be mounted at the firewall to provide less weight out front at the engine, 2) Al Brose – Use colored rubber bands to identify battery charging condition. One color for charged and one color for discharged.
Model of the Month: None.
Raffle Winners: Ray Donati, Ray Tinley, Dick Hamilton, Gene Snow, Jim Strauss, Al Brose, George Schubkegel and Dana Berry.
Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.