CRCM Meeting Report for February 1st, 2013
Meeting opened at 7:30 pm

Attendance: (21) members & (1) guest; Guest Don Bajner. Club welcomed Don.


  1. President Marcellino noted that the club calendar does not have event times See Marcellino to add times for events.
  2. Marcellino noted that the facebook page is Trying to get as many “likes” as possible for the page. It’s a work in progress. Members are encouraged to post anything RC.
  3. Tri­village swap meet is on February 2nd.
  4. It was mentioned that Fred Hoff passed away.
  5. Brian Nowak mentioned a “Fly and Shoot” airplane event in A gentleman Brian works with is hosting it. It’s on private property. Bring a shotgun, ammo and a junk plane to try and shoot down. Brian will get details if enough people are interested.

Minutes of January 4th Meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: 2013 budget presented by Ed Kamm and accepted after some discussion. Ray Donati asked if he could attend the next board meeting to discuss certain items. Board stated that it was OK.

Committee Reports:

Ray Donati – Will attend board meeting to talk about event sponsorships.

Entertainment: No coordinator yet. However, there are some speakers lined up. Dubro will be March 1st. Trying to get Sig, Robart, Jarvis (MPI) and Horizon Hobbies.

Flight Instructors: Ed Kamm to update list of potential flight and pre­flight instructors.

New Business:

  1. Jim Thomson volunteered to run Fun Fly #5.
  2. Fun Fly #1 – Ed Kamm
  3. Fun Fly #2 – Brian Nowak
  4. Fun Fly #3 – Greg Ross
  5. Fun Fly #4 – Marcellino Bomicino

Tips and Tricks: Rick B. stated that you can store epoxy on heating ducts to help them flow better. Also can add a drop or two of enamel paint to color the epoxy. Rick also mentioned finishing epoxy for a more easy flowing epoxy.

Model of the Month: Al Brose – Sig Fazer; Dick Hamilton – Tower Hobbies Kaos; Chris Graca – Phase 3 EF­16; Marcellino – Extreme Flight Extra 300; Winner – Al Brose.

Raffle Winners: Dick Hamilton, Marcellino, Ed Kamm, Ed Bywalec, Kenny Ward, Al Brose, Ray Donati

Meeting adjourned at 8:30.