CRCM Meeting Report for January 3rd, 2014

Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (16) members & (0) guests Announcements:

  1. New Year’s Day Fun Fly had a great turnout, (22) members showed
  2. President Marcellino reminded the membership to renew their club membership and also AMA membership.
  3. Marcellino stated that the club survey is still in the works, will be sent out in the near future.
  4. Next club board meeting is scheduled for January 29th,

Minutes of December 6th Meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Ed Kamm and accepted. Budget for 2014 was also presented, voted on by the membership and accepted.

Committee Reports: Not really a committee report but, Brandon Sobolewski filled the Membership in on how he’s doing with competition flying. Brandon has been very successful at winning many events and is now part of Team JR. Brandon is also manufacturing by hand propellers for contra­rotating installations.

Old Business:

  1. Club is purchasing a $100.00 AMA commemorative brick in Carl Barshop’s name. Ed Bywalec is taking care of this.
  2. Marcellino is continuing to research club umbrellas for Carl Barshop memorial. The club is still accepting ideas for the memorial. Send any input to Marcellino.

New Business:

  1. Still looking for Members to run the 2014 Fun Flys. So far, Al Brose, Terry D’Anca and Ed Kamm have volunteered. Two more volunteers for the remaining Fun Flys are needed.
  2. Club picnic will be combined with Big Bird Fly In again this year due to last year’s success with the combined event.
  3. Ed Kamm suggested that we do not reserve Fun Fly days with the Forest Preserve to save money. Will save the club approximately $100.
  4. Ray Donati has the meeting room reserved for 2014.

Entertainment: None.

Tips and Tricks: 1) Richard Hamilton – Use a plastic cup to mix epoxy, once the cup is filled toss it out, 2) Al Brose – Use heat shrink tubing to secure servo lead connectors together in lieu of using the plastic connectors.

Model of the Month: Brandon Sobolewski – Park Zone VisionAire; Al Brose – Pitts Python;

Winner – Brandon Sobolewski.

Raffle Winners: Marcellino, Richard Hamilton, Ken Ward, Steve Sobolewski and Brandon Sobolewski.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.