Chicago Land Radio Control Modelers Meeting Minutes April 1, 2011


The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:35 P.M on April 1, 2011 in Schaumburg Airport lower level Meeting Room . 22 Members present.

Present: Greg Ross ­ President, Bob Roggeveen – Treasurer, Brian DeFilippo­ Secretary

  1. Approval of Minutes : The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
  2. Treasurers Report : Treasurers Report was read and accepted


Announcements made.

Brian DeFilippo offered a 1/6 size pilot for sale.

Ray Donati announced the date for club picnic is Saturday, July 23rd. There will be a price for members and another price for guests and extra guests. Ray asked for volunteers.

Ray Donati also announced Big Bird will be August 28th. Dana Berry and Ray are planning the event. There will be a landing fee with prizes only for flyers­ $10. There is a fee for nonflyers and guests. Other flying clubs will be invited. More details in newsletter.

Ray Donati and Fred Nowak talked about an RC airshow for the veterans at Hines Vets Hospital, either indoors or indoors. It would be good PR for the club and to take pictures for the web and AMA. Bob Roggeveen offered to do a press release. Brian DeFilippo will scan and email the hospital map to members.

Old Business

Forest Preserve – Bob Roggeveen announced that the meeting with the Forest Preserve was cancelled and will be rescheduled.

Jim Thompson announced he has some donated fencing materials for the field. Steve Soblewski will work on park permits for all events.

New Business

The club budget was distributed and discussed. There was little discussion. The club unanimously approved of the budget.

Entertainment None

Tips and Tricks

Jim Thompson discussed powdered graphite to weather detail his A10. It is sold at Ace hardware.

Greg Ross discussed sealing the gap between the fuselage and wing seat with seran wrap, micro­filler and epoxy. He said it works very well on any setup and can be sanded smoothly. Dana Berry added comments and said he uses it too.

Model of The Month : Non


Blue ticket – Membership – Jim Thompson, Bob Rogeveen, Dana Berry

50/50 – Ray Donati

Raffle – Ray Donati, Dave Golubski­ donated it to Big Bird event

Items for next meeting

THE GROUP DECIDED TO POSTPONE THE PLANNED GENERAL MEETING AT THE FIELD UNTIL JUNE. The details will be discussed at the May General meeting. The May meeting will be held at the airport.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M ..

Minutes submitted by:                         Brian DeFilippo