CRCM Meeting Report for April 4th, 2014
Meeting opened at 7:30 pm
Attendance: (24) members & (0) guests

1. President Marcellino reminded everyone to renew their club and AMA memberships if they haven’t done so already.
2. Field Maintenance Day, April 27th at 9:00 am.
3. Toledo RC Model Show April 4th thru 6th.
4. Barnstormer’s swapmeet is April 19th at DuPage County Fairgrounds.

Minutes of March 7th Meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by President Marcellino, on behalf of Treasurer Ed Kamm, and accepted.

Committee Reports: None.

Old Business:
1. Club mailbox is not at the field with club brochures within. Thanks to Ed Kamm for doing this.
2. Club video has been posted on the club website and on the club Facebook page.
3. Board still needs to discuss what to do with the Carl Barshop memorial fund and also club sponsored AMA bricks for former and future departed members.
4. Fun Fly #5 – Still need a person to volunteer to run the event. Let Marcellino know if you would be interested.
5. Trainer Day – Let Marcellino know of any ideas to reach out to the Scouts, other kids clubs, etc. Bob Roggeveen is looking into advertising. First date is Saturday, June 7th.
6. Marcellino reminded the membership to review the club banquet survey and submit any comments to George Schubkegel.
7. Let Marcellino know of any corrections to the 2014 Event’s Calendar.

New Business:
1. Dick Hamilton mentioned a problem with nonmembers
using the field flight stands. Club members should politely let nonmembers know that the field flight stands are for club member use and should only be used for quick preflight checks and motor starting.
2. Marcellino mentioned that the Forest Preserve is requesting a meeting with all the local area clubs. Marcellino and Fred are planning to attend and will report back the results of the meeting.

Entertainment: None.

Tips and Tricks: None.
Model of the Month: 1) Jim Thomson – Windrider 737, 2) Brian DeFilippo – Hangar 9
Meridian, 3) Marcellino Bomicino – Thunder Tiger 33% Yak 54
Raffle Winners: Jim S., Gene S., Jim T., George S., Larry N.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.