The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:30 P.M on August 5, 2011 at the field.
- Greg Ross President,
- Brian Nowack – Vice President
- Steven Sobolewski, Secretary
- Bob Roggeveen, Treasurer
19 members total including officers. No guests
- Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted . - Treasurers Report
Treasurers Report accepted. - Announcements made.
None - Old Business
None - New Business
– Trainer day to be held on September 24th, 2011 a Saturday. Al Clark has a wireless trainer system available to use. - Committee Reports
- Scale – Fred Cederholm discussed. Sanction number to be obtained. Flyers made up and distributed to Hobby Stores.
Looking for volunteers to help. Start time at 9:00, Flying at 10:00 with lunch and over by 2:00 P.M. - Golf Outing – This will be held at Golf Club of Illinois in Algonquin. Time to be last weekend in September.
- Fun Fly – Dave Golubski said it will be .
- Picnic – Date is August 20 Saturday . We will have a picnic free to all members and 1 guest. All additional will have a fee charged. Children 12 and under free. All others are $5.00 each. Starts at 9:30 A.M. Pop up tents, tables and chairs needed. Food at 12:00 and will be KFC. Water balloons by Al Brose, Blind Taxi . Signup sheet passed out.
- Big Bird – Sun August 28th . 18th Annual. Landing fee is $10 for flyers with raffles. Non pilot is $5 lunch fee and not part of raffles or prizes. Starts at 8:30 and ends at 2:00. Ray will cook burgers. Dana Berry to be co CD.
- Golf Outing Golf : Outing is Sunday September 25th. Tee off at 9:30 and has a rate of $32 with a cart. Let Al know how many are coming.
- Scale – Fred Cederholm discussed. Sanction number to be obtained. Flyers made up and distributed to Hobby Stores.
- Entertainment– None
- Tips and Tricks
Dana Berry uses a band saw and adjusts table to cut bevels on aileron strips. This works much better than a hobby knife. - Model of The Month
- Ed Bywalec with an Escapade, magnum 46 – 12 flights on it. Mods are Sullivan tailwheel, epoxied and bolted stabs,
triangular stock in bulkhead. 1600 MA pack. Ed has 2 of these planes and reports the glide ratio is not very good.
Winner Ed Bywalec
- Ed Bywalec with an Escapade, magnum 46 – 12 flights on it. Mods are Sullivan tailwheel, epoxied and bolted stabs,
- Raffles
Raffles were held - Items for next meeting
Adjournment: at 8:00 P.M
Minutes submitted by: Steven Sobolewski