Chicago Land Radio Control Modelers
Meeting Minutes March 4, 2011
The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:35 P.M on March 4, 2011 in Schaumburg Airport lower level Meeting Room . 22 Members present.
Present: Greg Ross President, Brian Nowak – Vice President, Bob Roggeveen – Treasurer, Brian DeFilippo Secretary, Steve Sobolewski and Greg Palace Board members
A. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
B. Treasurers Report Treasurers Report read and accepted .
C. Announcements made.
Don Chesney won the survey raffle and generously donated back to the club.
Since the banquet was cancelled last year, the club distributed the recognition awards to the recipients at this meeting. Dave G. gave awards for the Fun Fly’s last year.
Joe S. announced that this year’s banquet will be at Little Villa.
D. Old Business
Forest Preserve – Bob Roggeveen is still proceeding with the Forest Preserve and will meet with officials in March. Steve S suggested to talk about the sign at the same time but the group thought to keep that discussion separate.
On the issue of Chief Flight Instructor, the club had much discussion. Ed B, Joe S, Terry, Steve S, and Ray T made comments. Bob R suggested that the instruction program will be discussed at the next board meeting and the group agreed.
Fred Cederholm will head the scale flyin this year.
Bob R announced a new membership drive for March to August 2011. There will be an incentive for the member bringing in the most members. Rules and prizes will be distributed. There will be recognition for winners.
Steve S asked for comments on the new sign. Terry, Ray D, Ray T had questions. Steve will make changes and email to all members again.
There was discussion of the flying blocks at the field. The condition and location of the blocks were discussed. George S volunteered to give blocks. The group voted to put a sign up on the fence at each station. The blocks will also be painted.
E. New Business
Ray T encouraged all members to go to AMA site to send letters to local senators about the proposed FAA regulation changes. The process is easy and self explanatory online. The secretary should send the instructions to members via email.
Dave G announced the Fun Fly details for this year.
Steve S asked for vote if the club wants cash prizes or auction points. The group voted unanimously for auction points.
F. Entertainment
Brian N presented instance metering. He also discussed different effects and settings. Terry will offer entertainment next month.
G. Tips and Tricks None
H. Model of The Month
Al Brose with A Great Planes Cherokee , a scale 60” WS 46” length 5 ½#, OS .46 engine. Futaba 7FM radio. Flaps are integrated. He added a full light kit and he demonstrated them for the group.
Jim T with an LX model A10 Warthog, all foam electric, will flaps and bombs, uses 6cell 4000mah.
Winner Jim Thompson
I. Raffles
Blue ticket – Membership – Ray D, Joe S, Fred H, Bob R, Dave S, Steve S, and Ray T
50/50 – Art Coddington
Raffle – Dana B, Brandon S
J. Items for next meeting
Adjournment: : Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M ..
Minutes submitted by: Brian DeFilippo