Chicago Land Radio Control Modelers
Meeting Minutes March 2 , 2012
The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:30 P.M on March 2, 2012 .
Present: Greg Ross President, Brian Nowack – Vice President, Steven Sobolewski – Secretary, Bob Roggeveen Treasurer
18 members total including officers. 1 guests
Approval of Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted .
Treasurers Report Treasurers Report accepted.
Announcements made.
Banquet was very good. 32 members and guests, More Items needed for prizes. Swap Meet discussed. Wrist bands to be used this year. No buying before 9:00 A.M. Jim Thompson apologized for band not showing at banquet.
Joe Schubkegel advised of spaghetti dinner all you can eat next Friday nite 5:30 – 7:30 P.M
Old Business None
New Business
Budget presented and discussed. Budget approved unanimous.
Membership fees discussed. Joe Schubkegel made a motion to have all members over 18 yrs pay $35 including all life members, with $15 For members under 18. Motion discussed and approved with 17 yes and 1 no.
Membership dues discussed and no proration of dues will be allowed.
A membership committee to be formed to bring in new members.
Committee Reports –
Apparel – Al Brose showed Shirt and Jackets , Patch is $10
Auction – George and Joe Schubkegel announced the auction will be 1st weekend in November.
Winter Fun Fly – Greg Ross 1 round of loop , roll, touch and go. 2nd round to be determined. Rain or Shine. Bob Roggeveen to make his chili again.
Tips and Tricks None
Model of The Month
Jim Thompson with T33 Shooting Star EDF, WS 28” L 30” , 1.8 # Foam.
Al Brose with Sig Fazer WS 48”, L 40”, OS46FX, Dubro Gear.
Winner – Jim Thompson
Blue ticket – Membership – Bob Roggeveen, Joe Schubkegel, Herman Langhans, George Schubkegel
Raffle – Frank Ponzo, Al Clark
50/50 – Fred Cederholm
Items for next meeting
Adjournment: at 8:53 P.M
Minutes submitted by: Steven Sobolewski