Chicago Land Radio Control Modelers

Meeting Minutes November 4 , 2011


The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:30 P.M on November 4 . Present: Greg Ross ­ President, Brian Nowack – Vice President, Steven Sobolewski ­ Secretary

26 members total including officers. 2 guests

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted . B.         Treasurers Report

Treasurers Report  not available.

Announcements made.

Banquet was very good. 32 members and guests, More Items needed for prizes. Swap Meet discussed. Wrist bands to be used this year. No buying before 9:00 A.M. Jim Thompson apologized for band not showing at banquet.

Joe Schubkegel advised of spaghetti dinner all you can eat next Friday nite 5:30 – 7:30 P.M

Old Business None

New Business

A motion was made to invite and pay for Hobby Shop Owners to come to Banquet. Motion voted on and passed. Unanimous.

Officers staying to serve second term. Board Members needed. Ray Donati , Fred Cederholm and Jim Thompson volunteered.

Motion made to hold next years meeting at swap location. Motion voted on and passed. November meeting 2012 to be held at swap location.

Committee Reports – None

Tips and Tricks

Carl Barshop – Store batteries in storage mode.

Model of The Month

Al Brose showed J3 Cub by Power Line, 38” W.S , 26” L, Weight 1.10#, 4 channel uses 11.1 V 1000 MAH. Winner – Al Brose


Blue ticket – Membership – Al Clark, Paul Ruzumna, Fred Cederholm, Al Brosei, Ray Tinley, Ken Ward

Red Ticket – Ed Bywalec, Steve Sobolewski, Ray Tinley

Gray Ticket – Dave Golubski – Super Tigre,  Dave Golubski ­ servos

50/50 – Dave Rosenblatt

Items for next meeting

Adjournment: at 8:25 P.M

Minutes submitted by: Steven Sobolewski