Chicago Land Radio Control Modelers Meeting Minutes
October 1, 2010
The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:30 P.M on October 1, 2010 in Schaumburg Airport lower level Meeting Room .
Present: Greg Palace President, Greg Ross – Vice President, David Rosenblatt – Treasurer, Steven Sobolewski Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
B. Treasurers Report Treasurers Report read and accepted .
C. Announcements made. Super Raffle is at the November meeting.
D. Old Business None
E. New Business
Nominations . Greg Ross for President, Brian Nowak for VicePresident, Brian DeFilipo for Secretary. Mike Celli for Treasurer. Andy Petlak made motion to eliminate board and only run club with officers. Motion tabled until next meeting.
Ballot to be emailed to all members.
Dave Rosenblatt made motion to close nominations. Motion seconded and voted on. Motion approved.
Committee Reports –
Scale Fly in – This Sunday is flyin. Dave Golubski will get there early and arrange parking as walkathon is same day. Start at 8:30 with food at, Dave Rosenblatt to handle registration and Bob Hesotian to handle cooking. Weather to be good. Coffee and Donuts from Spunky Dunkers. All donations for prizes appreciated.
Swap Meet – George has flyers to take and put out. Also flyers have been delivered to hobby shops. Setup Friday Night at 5:00 P.M and all help is appreciated. Tables $15 each up front and $20 at door. All donations appreciatappreciated also. 50/50 will be held also.
F. Tips and Tricks None
G. Model of The Month
Dave Rosenblatt – PT 17 Stearman, Biplane, WS 44” L 35” Eflite 3.8#.
H. Raffles
Blue ticket – Membership – Andy Petlak, Terry D’Anca, Brian Nowak. Red Ticket – Ron Kostus, Steve Sobolewski, Ray Donati
Orange Ticket – Dave Rosenblatt.
50/50 – Ray Donati.
I. Items for next meeting
Adjournment: at 8:25 P.M. Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 P.M ..
Minutes submitted by: Steven Sobolewski