Club Meeting Report for April 7th, 2023

Meeting opened 7:40 pm – President Marecellino presiding

Attendance: (13) members & (0) guests


1. Club dues are due, $35.  Don’t forget AMA and FAA renewal as applicable. 

2.  Bowling Night is April 13; Family and friends welcome to come. Bowl or just hang out. Brian D. is


3.  Gun range event will be April 16; Meet at Article II Range in Lombard; FOID and ear/eye protection

 required.  Gregg Ross is coordinating. 

4.  Field Maintenance day is April 16 (After gun range event). Meet at field at 9:00 am.

5.  Fun Fly #1 is May 7; Event suggestions are welcome. Contact President Marcellino.

6.  Harper College Day is May 13. Club receives a $200 donation for Harper to help the students learn about radio control flight. Helpers and trainers are needed to volunteer. 

7.  Marcellino is obtaining a quote to scarify the asphalt field to submit to the Forest Preserve for consideration. Initial cost is $75,000.

9.  Rick B. had his surgery with some complications and will be having further surgery on April 13. Please keep Rick B. in our thoughts and prayers. 

10.  Frankie P. has completed putting wheels on the flight stands for easy relocation when needed. Many thanks to Frankie for his efforts!

Minutes of March 3 meeting read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Given by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted ($6,709.82 Total).

Guests:  None.

Committee Reports: None. 

Old Business:  Marcellino is communicating with the Forest Preserve regarding the status of the existing field and also obtaining a quote to scarify the field. Marcellino will keep the club posted.

New Business:  Jim Collins has no updates on the FRIA zone application for the field.


Tips and Tricks:  Brian D. showed off his airplane stand that he scratch built from PVC tubing. 

Model of the Month: Brian D. – Showed off his pilatis float plane. 

Raffle: Conducted by Jim Collins;  White Ticket $60.00 prize: Dana B

Dana B. donated $30 of $60 back for a second white ticket raffle won by Marcellino B. Thanks Dana for your generosity !

 Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.