CRCM Meeting Report for April 7th, 2017

Meeting opened 7:40 pm – President Marcellino Presiding

Attendance: (14) members & (0) guests


  1. Winter Fun Fly March 5th, 10:00 am (Ed Kamm & Greg Ross)
  2. Membership dues for 2017, $35, membership cards available from Secretary Mike Celli. Currently there are (39) paid members.
  3. DuBro scheduled for May 5th club meeting (Thanks to Greg Ross for arranging this)
  4. Forest Preserve Runway Update — Ed Kamm and Ray Donati
  5. REMINDER: Electric Fly In is CANCELLED, updated events calendar is forthcoming
  6. Night Fly — Glenview event in August/September. Rick B. is arranging. Marcellino will send out a survey monkey by email to gauge interest.
Minutes of March 3rd Meeting: Read by President Marcellino and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted (Total $7,312.12).

Committee Reports: None.

Old Business: 

  1. Ed Kamm and Ray Donati provided a field repair update. The Forest Preserve is willing to pay for materials but not labor. CRCM would cover labor costs. Will not be budgeted until next year. 
  2. There are two possible repair options: 1) Covering seal coat, 2) Slurry. Ray Donati will research more on these options.
  3. New Swap Meet Location: Kurt G — Christus Victor in Elk Grove Village. Kurt G. to confirm.

New Business:

  1. Reminder that all drone pilots using the field must be AMA members.

Entertainment: None. However, Ed Bojan from Dubro will be here for our May 5th club meeting.

Tips and Tricks: None.

Models of the Month: Ray Tinley — Value Hobby Aurora, EPP Foam

Raffle Winners: Joe and George Schubkegel, Ronald Micek

Meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm.