CRCM Meeting Report for April 7th, 2017
Meeting opened 7:40 pm – President Marcellino Presiding
Attendance: (14) members & (0) guests
- Winter Fun Fly March 5th, 10:00 am (Ed Kamm & Greg Ross)
- Membership dues for 2017, $35, membership cards available from Secretary Mike Celli. Currently there are (39) paid members.
- DuBro scheduled for May 5th club meeting (Thanks to Greg Ross for arranging this)
- Forest Preserve Runway Update — Ed Kamm and Ray Donati
- REMINDER: Electric Fly In is CANCELLED, updated events calendar is forthcoming
- Night Fly — Glenview event in August/September. Rick B. is arranging. Marcellino will send out a survey monkey by email to gauge interest.
Minutes of March 3rd Meeting: Read by President Marcellino and accepted.
Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted (Total $7,312.12).
Committee Reports: None.
Old Business:
- Ed Kamm and Ray Donati provided a field repair update. The Forest Preserve is willing to pay for materials but not labor. CRCM would cover labor costs. Will not be budgeted until next year.
- There are two possible repair options: 1) Covering seal coat, 2) Slurry. Ray Donati will research more on these options.
- New Swap Meet Location: Kurt G — Christus Victor in Elk Grove Village. Kurt G. to confirm.
New Business:
- Reminder that all drone pilots using the field must be AMA members.
Entertainment: None. However, Ed Bojan from Dubro will be here for our May 5th club meeting.
Tips and Tricks: None.
Models of the Month: Ray Tinley — Value Hobby Aurora, EPP Foam
Raffle Winners: Joe and George Schubkegel, Ronald Micek
Meeting adjourned at 8:29 pm.