CRCM Meeting Report for April 5th, 2019
Meeting opened 7:30 pm – President Marcellino Bomicino presiding
Attendance: (17) members & (0) guests
1. Club dues for 2019 are being collected: $35 / person.
2. Reminder to renew AMA membership for 2019.
3. FAA Ruling in effect 2/25, FAA number shall be displayed on OUTSIDE of all aircraft weighing over 1/2-pound.
4. Winter Fun Fly was March 3rd. Great turnout, good chili from Ed Kamm; Thanks to Greg Ross for running the event.
5. Barnstormer Swap Meet will be April 20th, 8:00 am to Noon, DuPage County Fair Grounds.
6. Fun Fly #1 will be May 19th – Ed Kamm running event.
7. Night Fun Fly’s will be June 15th and August 24th, (6:00 pm to 11:00 pm). Rick B. will be CD.
8. Annual CRCM club golf outing will be September 29th. Al Brose to coordinate.
9. CRCM 2019 Awards Banquet will be November 16th – Event by Dana Berry and Wife. More details to follow.
10. Suburban RC Barnstormers is inquiring about a merger with CRCM. Membership suggested further discussions take place between the two clubs prior to making a decisions.
11. Suburban Barnstormers is giving up White Pines indoor fly and is looking for a new sponsor.
12. Suburban Barnstormers has a new flying field in Bartlett at Stearns and Dunham roads. DuPage County requires the purchase of a card for permission to fly at the DuPage County RC flying sites. Cost is $35 resident / $45 non-resident.
Minutes of March 1st Meeting: Read by Secretary Mike Celli and accepted.
Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted (Total $7,819.61).
Committee Reports: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business: None.
Tips and Tricks: None.
Models of the Month: None.
Raffle Winners: Ray Donati won the Night Radian FT 2.0M
Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 pm.