Meeting Report for January 7th, 2022

Meeting opened 7:30 pm – President Marcellino presiding.

Attendance: (14) members & (0) guests


1.  President Marcellino asked the membership to review the 2022 Events Calendar and to let him know of any

mistakes or conflicts.

2.  New Year’s Fly took place. 19 members showed up. Thanks to Ray for the hot Cider.

3.  Winter Fun Fly will be Sunday, February 27th starting at 10:00 am. 

4. Float Fly Events have been proposed at Suburban Aero Club; $5 non-member fee to fly:

Saturday June 18th

Saturday August 20th

Marcellino will email out more information as the dates get closer.

Minutes of December 3rd meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Given by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted ($6,328.45 Total).

Guests:  None.

Committee Reports: Ray Donati is planning to attend a Democrat Event attended by the Forest Preserve Commissioner

on January 13th, 2022, 7:00 pm.  Ray will try to bring up the case for a field upgrade. 

Old Business:  Brian D. proposed a CRCM bowling event or Shooting Range event for club members to participate in.

Marcellino will email out a survey to see if club members would be interested in such events. 

New Business:  A new Club Banquet coordinator will be needed for year 2022.  Thanks to Dana Berry for coordinating 

the Club Banquet for 2021.

Tips and Tricks:  1) Jim Collins: Showed a Stinger 10cc gas engine that happens to be in stock. Gas engines have been hard 

to find lately, 2) Brian D.  showed his Stick airplane. Very sturdy foam board construction.  Value bundle comes

with electric motor, ESC and servos. Very reasonable price.

Raffle: Held by Jim Collins

  • Rick B.  won the $54 white ticket prize.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:45 pm.