CRCM Meeting Report for July 7th, 2017

Meeting opened 7:30 pm – President Marcellino Presiding

Attendance: (15) members & (0) guests


  1. Big thanks to DuBro for providing the entertainment at June meeting. DuBro donated a large amount of airplane hardware which will be auctioned off at each meeting. Special thanks to Greg Ross for reaching out to DuBro.
  2. Fun Fly #3 is coming up on Sunday, July 9th; Events will be Bowling and Poker — Thanks to Ed Kamm for being event coordinator.
  3. Trainer Day #2 will be Saturday, July 15th.  Club members are encouraged to tell anyone interested in learning to fly RC about this event.
  4. EAA Airventure will be at Oskosh, July 24th-30th. Several club members will be attending.
  5. Big Bird / Club Picnic will be Sunday, August 13th; 9am to NOON for flying; NOON to 2pm for picnic; $10.00 landing fee; Picnic is free.
  6. Still considering a Night Fly at Glenview Naval Air Station in August / September. Rick B. to coordinate. Results of Marcellino’s survey monkey for event is 9 of 18 surveys submitted indicated “YES”. The even will most likely occur. Date needs to be set.
  7. Ed Kamm is working on the Runway situation with the Forest Preserve. No updates at this meeting.
Minutes of June 2nd Meeting: Read by President Marcellino and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted (Total $7,417.32).

Committee Reports: None.

Old Business: 

  1. Still looking for a new club swap meet location. Anyone with ideas for a location should contact Marcellino or one of the club officers. 

New Business:

  1. President Marcellino brought up the issue of club participation at meetings. All club members are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings in support of the club.  Marcellino suggested alternate days, times and / or location to help increase meeting attendance.
  2. Jim Collins suggested purchasing a permanent sign or banner to place at the flying field stating “Learn to Fly Here” with contact information. This may attract more new flyers. Jim stated he could buy a large aluminum sign for around $60.00. Motion was approved to proceed with this idea.

Entertainment: None. 

Tips and Tricks: None.

Models of the Month: None.

Raffle Winners: Marcellino B., Jim S., George S. Kurt G.; Jim S. wins 4-stroke motor; Jim Collins 

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.