CRCM Meeting Report for March 3rd, 2017

Meeting opened 7:30 pm – President Marcellino Presiding

Attendance: (19) members & (0) guests


  1. Fox Valley Swap Meet was February 23rd.
  2. Winter Fun Fly will be Sunday March 5th, 10am (Ed Kamm & Gregg Ross)
  3. Steve Fortman is asking to turn over the CRCM website management to someone in the Club. Mike Celli (Secretary) will look in to what is involved.
  4. Membership dues for 2017 should be paid as soon as possible.
  5. Membership cards are available for paid members. Please let an club officer know if you have not received yours.
  6. Events Calendar is almost complete. Marcellino will email the calendar out once it is finalized.
  7. Electric Fun Fly will not take place this year due to lack of interest. Another event will be planned, possibly a night fly event at Glenview Air Station.
  8. CRCM golf outing will be October 1st, 2017. Al Brose will be running the event. Please let Al Brose know if you are interested in attending.
Minutes of February 3rd Meeting: Read by Secretary Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Kevin Peterson and accepted (Total $7,350.96).

Committee Reports: None.

Old Business: 

  1. “Pilots Only Beyond this Point” signage is now installed at the flying field.  Thanks to Jim Collins for his help with this.
  2. A new CRCM Swap Shop location must be located. Several members are looking into possibilities. Marcellino will keep the membership informed.
  3. Trainer Day will be June 3rd. The Club is looking into better ways to advertise the event to get a better turnout.
  4. Expendable Plane Fun Fly — Ed Kamm has proposed a new event, the “Expendable Plane Fun Fly”  — Marcellino will send out a Survey Monkey by email to determine Club interest in such an event. Most likely this event will be tagged onto the end of one of the regular fun fly events with nominal points given to anyone who participates.

New Business:

  1. Ray Donati brought up the issue of the field (asphalt) repair and it’s urgency. Ray suggested a possible assessment be made by all club members to raise approximately $6,000.00 to patch and lay down a covering fabric over the field.  The assessment idea would have to voted on by ALL the membership and discussed at length for pros and cons. Ray will try to bring an asphalt contractor in during one of our meetings to describe to the membership what the actual condition of the field is, what needs to be done and what it will cost.
  2. Forest Preserve Liaison: Regarding field repair, Ed Kamm and Jim Collins have volunteered to follow up with the Forest Preserve to determine what the Forest Preserve can do to help with or replace our field.

Entertainment: None. However, Ed Bojan from Dubro will be here for our May 5th club meeting.

Tips and Tricks: None.

Models of the Month: None.

Raffle Winners: Kurt G., Marcellino B., George Schubkegel (2), Joe Schubkegel (2); George Schubkegel won the Sig 4-Star 64 EG. Congrats to George !

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.