CRCM Meeting Report for December 5th, 2014

Meeting opened at 7:30 pm – President Marcellino Presiding

Attendance: (18) members & (0) guests


  1. New Board members Jim Thompson and Ray Donati will take the place of Bob Roggeveen and Brian Nowak.
  2. President Marcellino reminded the membership to obtain their AMA memberships for 2015
  3. Marcellino reminded the membership that March 31st will be the deadline for Club Membership dues.

Minutes of October 31st Meeting: (Not available due to absences)

Treasury Report: 2015 Budget Presented by Treasurer Ed Kamm and accepted.

Committee Reports:

  1. Swap Meet: George and Joe Schubkegel reported that the swap meet went well. More tables sold than last year but down about (15) people buying.
  2. Club Banquet: George and Joe Schubkegel reported that the club banquet went well, about (32) people attended.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

  1. President Marcellino reminded the membership that the 2015 Events Calendar was emailed out. Let Marcellino know if you did not receive the calendar.
  2. Fun Fly Event Coordinators are as follows:
    • FF #1: Ed Kamm
    • FF #2: Greg Ross
    • FF #3: Marcellino Bomicino
    • FF #4: Fred Cedarholm
    • FF #5: Jim Thompson
    • Winter FF: Marcellino / Greg
    • Electric Fly­In: Jim Thompson
    • Big Bird & Club Picnic: Ray Donati / Dana Berry
    • Scale Fly­In: Fred Cedarholm
    • Club Banquet / Swap Meet: George & Joe Schubkegel

* If anyone can / wants to run a fun fly event, please let Marcellino know.

  1. Marcellino suggested that the club calendar be posted at the field.
  2. Jim Thompson suggested that club event flyers be placed at the field in a plastic lexan box. Ed Kamm will follow up with this idea.
  3. Jim Thompson suggested that flight stations be erected for the helicopter pilots for safety reasons. Marcellino suggested that this be looked at during the field maintenance day.
  4. Jim Thompson announced that he is an official AMA sanctioned Contest Director.

Entertainment: None (Board is looking into guests to come in to speak)

Tips and Tricks: None.

Models of the Month: 1) Jim Thompson: Exceed RC F18 Super Hornet Ducted Fan, 2) Fred Cedarholm: Great Planes Christen Eagle, 3) Ray Tinley: Lightning Bug, 4) Marcellino Bomicino: Value Hobby Easy Stik

Raffle Winners: Kevin P., Rick B., Ray T., Ed K., Jim T.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.