CRCM Meeting Report for December 5th, 2014
Meeting opened at 7:30 pm – President Marcellino Presiding
Attendance: (18) members & (0) guests
- New Board members Jim Thompson and Ray Donati will take the place of Bob Roggeveen and Brian Nowak.
- President Marcellino reminded the membership to obtain their AMA memberships for 2015
- Marcellino reminded the membership that March 31st will be the deadline for Club Membership dues.
Minutes of October 31st Meeting: (Not available due to absences)
Treasury Report: 2015 Budget Presented by Treasurer Ed Kamm and accepted.
Committee Reports:
- Swap Meet: George and Joe Schubkegel reported that the swap meet went well. More tables sold than last year but down about (15) people buying.
- Club Banquet: George and Joe Schubkegel reported that the club banquet went well, about (32) people attended.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
- President Marcellino reminded the membership that the 2015 Events Calendar was emailed out. Let Marcellino know if you did not receive the calendar.
- Fun Fly Event Coordinators are as follows:
- FF #1: Ed Kamm
- FF #2: Greg Ross
- FF #3: Marcellino Bomicino
- FF #4: Fred Cedarholm
- FF #5: Jim Thompson
- Winter FF: Marcellino / Greg
- Electric FlyIn: Jim Thompson
- Big Bird & Club Picnic: Ray Donati / Dana Berry
- Scale FlyIn: Fred Cedarholm
- Club Banquet / Swap Meet: George & Joe Schubkegel
* If anyone can / wants to run a fun fly event, please let Marcellino know.
- Marcellino suggested that the club calendar be posted at the field.
- Jim Thompson suggested that club event flyers be placed at the field in a plastic lexan box. Ed Kamm will follow up with this idea.
- Jim Thompson suggested that flight stations be erected for the helicopter pilots for safety reasons. Marcellino suggested that this be looked at during the field maintenance day.
- Jim Thompson announced that he is an official AMA sanctioned Contest Director.
Entertainment: None (Board is looking into guests to come in to speak)
Tips and Tricks: None.
Models of the Month: 1) Jim Thompson: Exceed RC F18 Super Hornet Ducted Fan, 2) Fred Cedarholm: Great Planes Christen Eagle, 3) Ray Tinley: Lightning Bug, 4) Marcellino Bomicino: Value Hobby Easy Stik
Raffle Winners: Kevin P., Rick B., Ray T., Ed K., Jim T.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.