Meeting called to order: 7:35 P.M.
In attendance: 20 members plus Jarvis Yeh
Minutes of November meeting: Read and accepted
Treasurers Report: Read and accepted
President Greg Palace announced that all club information concerning club business, contests, etc. will now be sent to the membership thru the club secretary, Don Vemmer.
Steve Fortman has been working on the club web site and filled us in on some of the things that will be available to the membership. Club members will be able to submit articles and other information that will first go to a review person for appropriateness and then posted on the web site. Club members will have a log-on and password to access club information that will not be available to non-members. The web-site will have all current club information like dates for events, meeting minutes, articles, etc. and will eventually replace the newsletter as we now know it. There will be provisions made for those without internet access to receive newsletter information via a hard copy. There will be more details in the near future and all members will receive a letter explaining the use of the Web-Site. It is up and running now, so take a look – CRCMFLYERS.COM.
Our guest speaker Jarvis Yeh of Maxx Products gave us a very informative talk on components for electric airplanes. He stressed the importance of using a watt meter and an infrared heat gun when setting up an electric plane to make sure your set-up does not exceed the rating of the motor. When using Nicd or Nimh batteries it is best to stay away from the high mah ratings in small physical size cells due to the very thin separators used in the higher rated cells which can fail more easily. You can order directly from MPI and pick-up at their location in Lake Zurich, but call ahead first and allow them enough time to have the order filled when you get there.
Al Brose – Great Planes P-51 Mustang built from a kit with a Supertigre 51
Jim Thompson – Super Flying Models SFM Lear Jet foam ARF with two ducted fans and retracts.
Carl Barshop – E-Flight F-16 foam ARF ducted fan
WINNER – Jim Thompson
Name Badge – Dana Berry, Rich Hamilton, Ed Bywalec
Membership – Dan Knippen, Bob Roggeveen, Ed Bywalec, Brian Nowak
Door Prize – Dan Knippen, Al Brose
50/50 – Ray Donati
Ray Tinley for
Don Vemmer, Secretary