CRCM Meeting Report for January 4th, 2013

Meeting opened at 7:30 pm

Attendance: (20) members & (2) guests; Guests Jim Straus and Gene Snow. Club welcomed Jim and Gene.


  1. New Year’s Day Fun Fly – President Marcellino reported great time had by Thanks to  Ray Donati for Hot Cider.
  2. Marcellino passed out events calendar for 2013
  3. Marcellino mentioned Tri­Village RC’ers Swap Shop on February 2nd and passed out flyer.
  4. Steve Sobolewski mentioned the Wauskesha Swap Meet held on Sunday January
  5. Marcellino stressed to give him updated email addresses if you haven’t already done
  6. Let Marecellino know of any club announcements that he should distribute by

Minutes of December 7th Meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Read by Ed Kamm and accepted.

Ray Donati asked if he could be allotted $50.00 to buy pop for the events. Board to discuss.
Pierre Biset mentioned trying to obtain sponsors for pop, hot dogs and maybe buns. Pierre volunteered to follow­up with potential suppliers.
Joe Schubkegel – Asked the Board to budget $300 for raffle prizes and sponsors. Board to discuss.

Committee Reports:

Ray Donati – Will attend a Fox Valley RC Club meeting to help make Big Bird a good draw especially for the Dan Knippen memorial.
Marcellino brought up an idea to make non­members pay to attend Big Bird. Board to discuss. Big Bird Sanction – Dana Berry will place a bigger announcement in Model Aviation magazine; Specifically to mention the Dan Knippen memorial aspect of the Big Bird Fun Fly.
Entertainment: No coordinator yet. Marcellino stressed to provide him contacts of people to come in and speak.
Flight Instructors: Ed Kamm to update list of potential flight instructors.

New Business:

  1. Joe Schubkegel passed around last year’s and this year’s New Year’s fun fly pictures for the club to look
  2.  Marcellino to setup Facebook page for real time club Members should provide Marcellino any pictures they have.
  3. Club website will be looked at and upgraded as time
  4. Fun­Flys will be divided up between the Board See calendar for dates.

Tips and Tricks: George Schubkegel mentioned there’s a guy on ebay that sells 40 feet of 40 lb test wire and crimps for $5 that can be used on U­control lines or push­pull systems, etc. George to email Marcellino with information to pass out to club.

Model of the Month: Al Brose – Electric Navy Contender.

Raffle Winners: Al Brose, Dana Berry, Ray Tinley, Pierre Biset and Jim Straus. Meeting adjourned at 8:30.