CRCM Meeting Report for July 11th, 2014

Meeting opened at 6:30 pm (at the flying field)

Attendance: (20) members & (2) guests


  1. President Marcellino reminded the membership to make sure AMA membership is
  2. Electric fly­in was July 6th (Sunday). Jim Thomson reported that the fly­in was a big Weather was good; 20 pilots, 14 guests.
  3. Fun­Fly #3 is July 20th (Sunday) hosted by Al Start time is 9:30 am.
  4. Wildcat bulk fuel order is being coordinated by Joe Schubkegel (Joe is now a Wildcat distributor).
  5. Trainer Day #2 is July 19th, Saturday, 10:00

Minutes of June 6th Meeting: Read by President Marcellino and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Ed Kamm and accepted.

Committee Reports: None.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

  1. Vice President Fred Cedarholm updated the membership regarding Forest Preserve plans:
    • Will not require fees (cards) for at least two years. b. Permit fees will not increase for at least two years.
    • Tents 10’x10′ or smaller, no permit required. Larger requires a permit.
    • Forest Preserve is still waiting for four clubs to turn in their questionnaires.
    • Forest Preserve will be providing official signs for helicopter area.
    • Club is allowed to cut the grass. Will be more difficult to get the Forest Preserve to do more cutting.
  2. Fred stated that Al’s Hobby Shop will be having two more open houses.
  3. Jim Thomson will be at the Waukegan Air Show representing CRCM and will do a flight demo. Event will be September 6th.

Entertainment: None. Tips and Tricks: None. Model of the Month: None.

Raffle Winners: Rick, Ed and Marcellino.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm