CRCM Meeting Report for March 6th, 2015

Meeting opened at 7:35 pm – President Marcellino Presiding

Attendance: (28) members & (1) guest


  1. resident Marcellino reminded the membership to renew their club membership. Deadline is March 31st.
  2. Winter Fun Fly is Sunday, March 8th, 10 am start (Marcellino & Greg providing the Chili).
  3. Marcellino reminded everyone about Daylight savings time ­­ Move clocks 1­hour ahead Saturday (3/7) night.
  4. Membership acknowledged Al Brose’s Birthday on Thursday, March 5th. Happy Birthday Al !!
  5. Trainer Day is approaching ­­ Advertising will be done by Bob Roggeveen.

Minutes of February 6th Meeting: Read by Secretary Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Ed Kamm and accepted ($5,043.28 Checking Acct., $4,104.93 Field Fund = $9,148.21 Total)

Committee Reports: None.

Old Business:

  1. Trainer Days (Potential to combine with Circle Cutters); Marcellino Bomicino
  2. Club Golf outing is being coordinated by Al Brose; September 20th. Will be at Golf Course of Contact Al Brose for additional details.

New Business:

  1. Marcellino is in contact with Brian Gray (Event Coordinator) at Catigny Park in Wheaton. There is a possibility for a club flight / model demonstration to occur on the Park’s 60th anniversary celebration July 30th.  Jim Thompson volunteered to follow up with AMA for insurance and sanctioning issues.  Anyone interested in flying, providing static display aircraft or helping out in general should contact Marcellino. Marcellino will visit the Park to determine the feasibility of flying aircraft safely there prior to making any commitments. This event would be a great opportunity for marketing and advertising the club.
  2. Jim Thompson is planning a static display and air show at Waukegan Airport September 12th and 13th.
  3. Jim Thompson was invited to an electric fly­in event in Monticello, IL at Eli Home of Horizon Hobby. Horizon is putting on their 2nd Annual Prairie State Electric Event. Event will be July 31st thru August 2nd.

Entertainment: None (Jeremy Dale from HobbyTown will speak at next club meeting)

Tips and Tricks: 1) Joe Schubkegel suggested using foam blocks to support wings on a table for maintenance without causing damage to the wing, 2) Dick Hamilton recommended checking batteries for the upcoming flying season. Dick had many bad batteries he discovered.

Models of the Month: 1) Jim Thompson: Tweety­40, 2) Jim Collins: Twin Star, 3) Ray Tinley: Herman Langhans Custom Electric Airplane, 4) Dana Berry: Midwest Extra 300, 5) Chris Graca: Self­Designed Electric Ducted Fan A­10 Warthog

Raffle Winners: Ken Ward, Marcellino Bomicino, Joe Patt, Ray Tinley

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.