
The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:35 P.M on April 2, 2010 in Schaumburg Airport lower level Meeting Room by President Greg Palace.

Present: Greg Palace – President, David Rosenblatt – Treasurer, Steven Sobolewski, Secretary

14 members total including officers.

Approval of Minutes;  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted without corrections.

Treasurers Report :  Treasurers Report read and accepted.

Announcements made.

Harvey Shapps has passed away and meeting dedicated to Harvey Shapps. A moment of silence was observed in remembrance of Harvey.

Bylaws are available at any club meeting and are on table in front. August Fun Fly to be August 22nd, 2010.

Electric Flyin to start at 3:00 P.M until dusk.

Dupage county swap shop at 8:00 A.M.

Old Business

Dave Rosenblatt updated the club on forest preserve meeting. The original letter mailed was reissued to the new contact at the forest preserve.

Al Brose updated the club on apparel, jackets are available for order. A new vendor may be investigated, silk screening is also available.

T­shirts have been ordered from Sig and hopefully will be here for the April fun fly.

New Business

A picnic was discussed and a motion was made to have a picnic for our club only. This motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Flight Instructors discussed and no instructors listed on AMA website and we are listed as having no flight program with the

AMA. Flight instructor badges will be ordered, Ed Bywalec will see if he has some badges available. Instructors are needed. A trainer day was discussed for July; nothing was decided but will be discussed further.

Business cards discussed and will be investigated.

Tips and Tricks;  None this month.

Model of The Month

Al Brose with U­CAN­DO, OS 46FX, 4 channel covered in Monokote, Futaba. Carl Barshop with F16, Ducted fan, E FLITE Foam.

Ray Tinley – American Ace, free flight converted to RC, Originally Berkely – 1940 by Henry Struck short kit by Bob Holman. 450 electric motor, 3 cell 2100 LIPO, JR 3 channel, dummy 2 stroke ignition engine. Under cambered wing and silk with dope. Winner – Ray Tinle


No raffles this month. All members who attended will get a Blue ticket. Also the model of month winner shall get additional tickets in May meeting. Ray Tinley.

Blue ticket – Art Coddington,Carl Barshop,Ken Ward,Dick Hamilton,Ed Bywalec,Ray Tinley,Tsutomo Kiyono,Al Brose,Dave Golubski,Brandon Sobolewski,Dave Rosenblatt,Greg Palace, Steve Sobolewski, Joe Patt

Items for next meeting

Adjournment: at 8:55 P.M

Meeting was adjourned at 8:55 P.M by Greg Palace. The next general meeting will be at 7:30 on May 7, 2010  in Schaumburg Airport lower level meeting room..

Minutes submitted by:                         Steven Sobolewski