Chicago Land Radio Control Modelers Meeting Minutes
June 5, 2011
The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 8:50am on June 5, 2011 at the flying field. 20 Members present.
Present: Greg Ross President, Brian Nowak, CoPresident, Bob Roggeveen – Treasurer, Brian DeFilippo Secretary
A. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the previous was not read.
B. Treasurers Report Treasurers Report was not read.
C. Announcements made.
New member, Marcellino Bomicino, was welcomed by all.
D. Old Business
Al Brose voiced concern about this meeting that was held on Sunday morning. He would like to have meetings on Friday at 7:30. Many agreed. Discussion ensued about having the meetings at the field. June, July, and August meetings will be held at the field and was voted unanimously.
A change in the meeting was announced from previously written to September 2, 2011.
Forest Preserve – Bob Roggeveen talked to the Forest Preserve. He requested what the club wanted. He feels that the work will not be done this year and that the Forest Preserve will do their best.
Ray Donati announced Big Bird and the Picnic. See the newsletter for details. Jim Thompson announced the Electric Fly.
E. New Business None
F. Entertainment None
G. Tips and Tricks None
H. Model of The Month None
I. Raffles
Blue ticket – Membership – Brian D.
50/50 – none
Raffle – Ray Donati, Paul Ruzumna, Al Brose, Ray Tinley
Items for next meeting
Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:25am