CRCM Meeting Report for December 7th, 2012
Meeting opened at 7:30 pm
Attendance: (18) members & (0) guests
Minutes of November Meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.
Treasury Report: Read by Ed Kamm and accepted.
Announcements: None.
Committee Reports:
Club Swap: George Schubkegel gave a report that the annual club swap went well. Made about $100 this year. Thanks for all for setup and takedown. Special thanks to Steve Fortman for advertising and helping out.
Club Apparel: Al Brose, nothing to report.
Electric fun fly: Jim Thomson and Carl Barshop, nothing to report.
Golf outing: Al Brose, Nothing decided on.
Big Bird Flyin: Ray Donati and Dana Berry. Ray is going to sponsor a Big Bird memorial in honor of Dan Knippen. New this year: Combine club picnic with Big Bird.
Membership: Bob Roggeveen, nothing to report.
Scale Flyin: Fred Cederholm; This year, judge 3 categories Electric, ARF and Kits. Would like to advertise in AMA.
Safety Officer: Jim Thomson, nothing to report.
Night Fly: Marcellino Bomicino, nothing to report.
Trainer Day: Ray Donati and Ed Kamm. Sometime in June and August; Bob Roggeveen to look into newspaper advertisement.
Chief Flight Instructor: Ed Kamm, Ed needs a list of names of possible flight instructors.
Entertainment Director: Marcellino Bomicino would like contacts for individuals to come in and speak.
Old Business:
New dues structure voted on; All adults pay $35, 18 and over. Under 18 free. Badges and accessories are additional cost.
New Business:
Ray Donati appropriated the meeting room for 2013. Club must let Ray know if we are going to cancel the meeting in this room. It was mentioned that member Eddie Bywalec is immobilized for awhile due to back issues.
Fred Cederholm mentioned that Al’s Hobby Shop will match any price, Tower Hobbies, etc. Try to use Al’s when possible to keep the local hobby shops in business.
Dave Rosenbladt stated that he is willing to build airplanes since he is retired, at a reasonable price.
Tips and Tricks: None.
Model of the Month: Al Brose – Midwest Aerostar 40
Raffle Winners: Dave Rosenbladt, Jim Thomson, Ray Tinley, Bob Carroll, Bob Roggeveen, Ray Donati
Meeting adjourned at 8:30