Chicago Land Radio Control Modelers

Meeting Minutes September 2, 2011


The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:30 P.M on September 2, 2011 at Schaumburg Airport . 18 Members present 1 guest Ken Hulata.

Present: Greg Ross ­ President, Brian Nowak – Vice President, Steve Sobolewski ­ Secretary

Approval of Minutes Minutes read and accepted.

Treasurers Report Treasurers Report read and accepted .

Announcements made. None

Old Business None

New Business

Trainer Day September 24th flyers printed and handed out to be distributed to hobby shops and library. Please come out and support this important event.

Committee reports

Scale – Fred Cederholm discussed. Start time at 9:00, Flying at 10:00 with lunch and over by 2:00. Lunch will be hot dogs.

Fun Fly – Dave Golubski said it will be Pylon.

Picnic – Weather was bad but did very well anyways. Spent $265 tickets for Bed Bath & Beyond to be given at awards banquet.

Big Bird – Spent S135.51 spent profit of 14.49 pop and water will be given to scale event. Golf Outing ­ Golf Outing is Sunday September 25th.


Dana Berry put on a very nice presentation on wing sheeting. He explained in detail how to make the edges straight and how to glue.

Brandon Sobolewski gave an update on his pattern contests.

Tips and Tricks

Ray Tinley uses a palm sander to sand wing sheeting.

Model of The Month

Al Brose – with great planes shoe string. Mods needs cowl and cut tail section from spare plane and put on crashed plane, needs monokoted now.

Winner – Al Brose – Tickets for raffle to be given at next meeting.


Blue Ticket – Dave Golubski

Gray Ticket – Ed Bywalec won Kaos 40 arf, Ray Donati won Monokote iron.

50/50 – Dave Golubski won.

Items for next meeting


Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M .

Minutes submitted by: Steven Sobolewski