Chicago Land Radio Control Modelers

Meeting Minutes September 3, 2010


The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:39 P.M on September 3, 2010 in Schaumburg Airport lower level Meeting Room .

Present: Greg Palace ­ President, Greg Ross – Vice President, David Rosenblatt – Treasurer, Steven Sobolewski ­ Secretary

18 members total including officers. 3 guests

Approval of Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted with a clarification to minutes from August . Bob Rogeveen had indicated he had a source for badges.

Treasurers Report Treasurers Report read and accepted .

Announcements made.

Mert of Barnstormers has prostate cancer of the bone and is not doing well. Our thoughts are with him.

Email read from Ivan Phipps about incident at the flying field. The person involved in the incident was not a club member.

Old Business None

New Business

The incident at the field where the forest Preserve Police were called ,was discussed and agreed that the behavior exhibited by a non club member towards Ivan Phipps was unacceptable and unsafe.

Ivan Phipps acknowledged that the person he had an incident with was not a club member. The club has asked that if a person claims to be with CRCM ask for their current membership card.

Rules and agreements that were discussed with the helicopter pilots last year were reiterated. A new sign will be made clearly showing and identifying flying zones and areas.

Ivan Phipps indicated that signage showing all site rules and a clear concise map will keep issues such as this from happening again and that communication is important for both sides. Also it was discussed and agreed that helicopters and airplanes can not utilize the same airspace. Ivan indicated he was going to relay all information to the helicopter pilots.

The club extended an invitation to the helicopter pilots to join our club which would keep the communication open. Brian DeFillipo donated parts to the club if someone wants them.

Committee Reports

Scale Fly in – Date is moved to October 3, 2010. This is a fun fundraising event to benefit Chicago Land Modelers. A flyer was handed out .

August 15th was big bird. Dana Berry and Ray Donati would like to do this event next year and would like more input. CRCM budget of $150 and spent $172.34 and took in $175. Items left over will be passed on to scale event. More money will be asked for next year for this event.

Golf Outing – Ed Bywalec indicated that the golf outing was set for September 26th. Fun Fly to be held on September 12th.

Tips and Tricks None

Model of The Month

Dave Rosenblatt – Neptune 60, float plane – 60” W.S , L 55” , 7 ¼#, 5 channel, Saito 72.

Jim Thompson – Fly Fly ,F4 Phantom , Electric ducted fan, WS 40”, L 50” 4 # , 6 channels, electric retracts.

Winner – Dave Rosenblatt


Blue ticket – Membership – Brandon Sobolewski, Brian DeFillipo, Brian Nowak. Red Ticket – Ed Bywalec, Steve Sobolewski, Ray Tinley

Orange Ticket – Carl Barshop, Ray Tinley.

50/50 – Ray Donati.

Items for next meeting

Adjournment: at 9:00 P.M

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M ..

Minutes submitted by: Steven Sobolewski