CRCM Meeting Report for November 1st, 2013

Meeting opened at 7:30 pm

Attendance: (24) members & (0) guests


  1. Fun Fly auction will be subsequent to the regular club
  2. CRCM Swap meet will be Saturday, November 2nd.

Minutes of October 4th Meeting: Read by Mike Celli and accepted.

Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Ed Kamm and accepted.

Committee Reports:

Joe and George Schubkegel – Club banquet was a success. (33) people showed up including Cindy from Al’s. Great food, drink and time was had by all.

Old Business: President Marcellino is still following up on the Carl Barshop commemorative umbrellas and is seeking a 2nd bid. Other ideas for use of the money donated by Linda Barshop to the club should be sent to Marcellino for club consideration.

Motion was made to purchase a $100 AMA commemorative brick in Carl Barshop’s name. Motion was voted on by the membership and accepted. Ed Bywalec volunteered to purchase the brick.

Al Brose was able to sell another $200 worth of Carl Barshop’s equipment. $100 of that money was donated to the club by Linda Barshop.

New Business:

  1. Brian DeFilippo mentioned that he had an XL white club shirt for sale for $15.00 if anyone was
  2. Motion was made to keep the current board members for Motion was voted on by the membership and accepted.
  3. President Marcellino stressed the need for club members to step up and volunteer to head committees, fun fly’s,
  4. President Marcellino stressed the need for all club members to contribute to bringing new members into the club and also inviting people to come to the meetings.
  5. Motion was made to email out another club survey similar to the 2011 club survey to determine how the club might better serve the Motion was voted on by the membership and accepted. President Marcellino will email out another survey in the near future.

Entertainment: None.

Tips and Tricks: None.

Model of the Month: Jim Thompson – LX Models F18 Hornet EDF; Al Brose – E­Flite Cap 232 with LED accent lights. Winner: Jim Thompson.

Raffle Winners: 1) Free Membership: Ray Tinley; 2) Spektrum DX7s Transmitter: Ray Donati.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35.