CRCM Meeting Report for October 2nd, 2015

Meeting opened at 7:30 pm – President Marcellino Presiding

Attendance: (18) members & (0) guests


  1. Fun Fly #5 occurred in September, Ed Kamm was coordinator.
  2. Scale Fly In occurred in September, Fred Cedarholm was coordinator.
  3. Club golf outing occurred in September, Al Brose was coordinator. Twelve members attended, fun time, great weather.
  4. Fun Fly #3 “Rainout” occurred in September, Kevin Peterson was coordinator.
  5. Fun Fly results:
    • Kamikaze: Andy P.(222), Bob C.(214), Brain N. (206)
    • Expert: Kevin P.(208), Ed K.(200), Jim C.(190)
  6. Club Banquet will be 10/17/15 at Bella Vista; Contact George Schubkegel for payment information. Saturday, October 10th will be cut off date to sign up for banquet.
  7. Fun Fly Auction/Club Meeting November 6th at St. John’s Lutheran Church.
  8. CRCM Swap Meet will be November 7th.

Minutes of June 5th Meeting: No meeting minutes were read.

Treasury Report: Presented by Treasurer Ed Kamm and accepted ($2,484.63 Checking Acct., $4,606.25 Field Fund = $7,090.88 Total)

Committee Reports: None.

Old Business:

  1. Trainer Days (Potential to combine with Circle Cutters); Coordinator

New Business:

  1. Fred Cedarholm will be submitting estimates to the Forest Preserve for asphalt crack repair.
  2. Ray Donati stated the four dates in 2016 that the club will not be meeting in the regular room at Pilot Pete’ Membership voted to accept those dates.
  3. Club Officer Nominations stand as follows: President: Marcellino Bomicino; Vice President: Ed Kamm; Treasurer: Kevin Peterson; Secretary: Mike Celli. Officers will be voted in and confirmed during next meeting. Currently there are no opposing nominations for any office.
  4. Ben Scola reminded members that to play loud music at the field requires a permit from the Forest Preserve. When playing music, please be courteous to others.
  5. Ben Scola offered to manage a table at the Club swap meet to sell off the remaining Carl Barshop hobby items.

Entertainment: None

Tips and Tricks: Ed Kamm ­ Use ink jet printer friendly 8 1/2″x11″ sticky back paper to make decals. Can get at most office supply stores.

Models of the Month:  Steve Sobolewski showed the gasoline operated OS GT 15 (15 cc) engine in lieu of using glow engines. Equivalent to .61 nitro.  Steve also showed the Turnigy TGY­4409MD servo which is high torque, metal gear servo for $12.70. High quality for great price.

Raffle Winners: Ben S., George S., Bob C. and Marcellino B.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.