Chicago Land Radio Control Modelers Meeting Minutes

October 7, 2011


The regular meeting of the Chicagoland Radio Control Modelers was called to order at 7:30 P.M on October 7, 2011 in Schaumburg Airport lower level Meeting Room .

Present: Greg Ross ­ President, Brian Nowack – Vice President, Bob Roggeveen – Treasurer, Steven Sobolewski ­ Secretary

16 members total including officers. 2 guestsA.

A. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted .

B. Treasurers Report Treasurers Report read and accepted .

C. Announcements made. Super Raffle DX8.

Brandon Sobolewski updated the club on his recent wins in pattern and his win of NSRCA District 5 Champion for Intermediate. Brandon also took 1st place in Kentucky at the District 4

D. Old Business None

E. New Business

Dave Waller had attended the trainer day event and is interested in getting in the hobby.

A motion was made to hold next meeting at the swap location. Motion voted on and passed. Unanimous. Motion made to pay for bands dinner at event. Motion Voted on and passed.

Nominations Vice President – Brian Nowak, President – Greg Ross, Treasurer – Bob Roggeveen, Secretary – Steve Sobolewski. No other nominations made. No ballots will be made as no nominations were made except to retain existing officers. New board members will need to be selected and appointed.

Ed Bojan from DuBro put on a display and discussed all of their products. New products are for foamies, servo arms and clevis, also wheel sizes increased to 8” also Ed demonstrate

Committee Reports

Scale Fly in – Fred Cederholm discussed the event and thanked Ray Donati for his help. Banquet ­ George Schubkegel discussed the Banquet.

Swap Meet – George Schubkegel discussed the swap meet. Auction will be held this year again.

F. Tips and Tricks None

G. Model of The Month

Dick Hamilton – Tsunami – by Direct Connection, 58 ½ “ W.S, L 50”, 6 ¼ # , Balsa, O.S. 46, Futaba radio. Installed a pull – pull system on the rudder.

Jim Thompson – 182 Cessna – Tian Sheng – W.S 73”, L 57” Electric, 5 channels, foam, Futaba 7 Ch. Trainer Like performance

Dana Berry – Yak 54 foamie – by Ikarus, W.S 30”, 6.5 oz, Hacker, 4 channel, Foam, JR/ Spektrum. Winner – Dick Hamilton

H. Raffles

Blue ticket – Mem

Red Ticket – Ed Bywalec, Steve Sobolewski, Ray Tinley

Gray Ticket – Bob Roggeveen – Escapade – Fred Cederholm ­ Servos

50/50 – Brian Nowak

I. Items for next meeting

Adjournment: at 9:00 P.M

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M .

.Minutes submitted by: Steven Sobolewski