October Meeting Minutes

Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (21) members & (0) guests Announcements: Fred Cedarholm mentioned Cindy from Al’s Hobby Shop is recovering from her illness (Legionnaires Disease). President Marcellino mentioned the iHobby Expo at the Schaumburg...

September Meeting Minutes

CRCM Meeting Report for September 6th, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (21) members & (2) guests Announcements: Fred Cedarholm mentioned Cindy from Al’s Hobby Shop was diagnosed with Legionnaires’ Disease and is in serious Keep her in our...

August 2013 Meeting Minutes

CRCM Meeting Report for August 2nd, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (12) members & (1) guest Announcements: The Carl Barshop auction went very Carl’s wife Linda donated half of the proceeds to the club ($952.00) and the other half to cancer...

July Meeting Minutes

CRCM Meeting Report for July 5th, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Vice President Fred Cedarholm presided over the meeting in place of President Marcellino. Attendance: (15) members & (0) guests Announcements: Fred Cedarholm mentioned Al’s Hobbyshop has new...

June Meeting Minutes

CRCM Meeting Report for June 7th, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (21) members & (0) guests Announcements: Fun Fly #1 was a great success; thanks to Ed Kamm for coordinating the Fun Fly #2 was announced for Sunday, June 9th; Brian Nowak is coordinating...

May Meeting Minutes

CRCM Meeting Report for May 3rd, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (25) members & (0) guests Announcements: Fun Fly #1 is scheduled on May 5th. Ed Kamm proceeded to explain Fun Fly #1 in President Marcellino reminded people about paying Mike Celli...