by Steve | Oct 12, 2013 | Secretary |
Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (21) members & (0) guests Announcements: Fred Cedarholm mentioned Cindy from Al’s Hobby Shop is recovering from her illness (Legionnaires Disease). President Marcellino mentioned the iHobby Expo at the Schaumburg...
by Mike Celli | Sep 14, 2013 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for September 6th, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (21) members & (2) guests Announcements: Fred Cedarholm mentioned Cindy from Al’s Hobby Shop was diagnosed with Legionnaires’ Disease and is in serious Keep her in our...
by Mike Celli | Aug 5, 2013 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for August 2nd, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (12) members & (1) guest Announcements: The Carl Barshop auction went very Carl’s wife Linda donated half of the proceeds to the club ($952.00) and the other half to cancer...
by Mike Celli | Jul 5, 2013 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for July 5th, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Vice President Fred Cedarholm presided over the meeting in place of President Marcellino. Attendance: (15) members & (0) guests Announcements: Fred Cedarholm mentioned Al’s Hobbyshop has new...
by Mike Celli | Jun 7, 2013 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for June 7th, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (21) members & (0) guests Announcements: Fun Fly #1 was a great success; thanks to Ed Kamm for coordinating the Fun Fly #2 was announced for Sunday, June 9th; Brian Nowak is coordinating...
by Mike Celli | May 3, 2013 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for May 3rd, 2013 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (25) members & (0) guests Announcements: Fun Fly #1 is scheduled on May 5th. Ed Kamm proceeded to explain Fun Fly #1 in President Marcellino reminded people about paying Mike Celli...