by Mike Celli | Dec 14, 2014 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for December 5th, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm – President Marcellino Presiding Attendance: (18) members & (0) guests Announcements: New Board members Jim Thompson and Ray Donati will take the place of Bob Roggeveen and Brian Nowak. President...
by Steve | Oct 5, 2014 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for October 3rd, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm – Vice President Fred Cedarholm Presiding Attendance: (27) members & (1) guest Announcements George Schubkegel reminded the membership that the club Banquet is October 18th. Payment is due...
by Mike Celli | Aug 2, 2014 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for August 1st, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (15) members & (0) guests Announcements: President Marcellino reminded the membership to make sure AMA membership is Big Bird Flyin and Club Picnic is Sunday, August 10th (Hosted by...
by Mike Celli | Jul 15, 2014 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for July 11th, 2014 Meeting opened at 6:30 pm (at the flying field) Attendance: (20) members & (2) guests Announcements: President Marcellino reminded the membership to make sure AMA membership is Electric flyin was July 6th (Sunday). Jim...
by Mike Celli | May 6, 2014 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for May 2nd, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (28) members & (2) guests Announcements: Fred Cedarholm stated that Al’s Hobby Shop is officially closing It remains to be seen if it will be reopened at a later date. Al’s...
by Mike Celli | Apr 6, 2014 | Secretary |
CRCM Meeting Report for April 4th, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (24) members & (0) guests Announcements: 1. President Marcellino reminded everyone to renew their club and AMA memberships if they haven’t done so already. 2. Field Maintenance...