December 2014 Meeting Minutes     

CRCM Meeting Report for December 5th, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm – President Marcellino Presiding Attendance: (18) members & (0) guests Announcements: New Board members Jim Thompson and Ray Donati will take the place of Bob Roggeveen and Brian Nowak. President...

October Meeting Minutes

  CRCM Meeting Report for October 3rd, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm – Vice President Fred Cedarholm Presiding Attendance: (27) members & (1) guest Announcements George Schubkegel reminded the membership that the club Banquet is October 18th. Payment is due...

August 2014 Meeting Minutes

CRCM Meeting Report for August 1st, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (15) members & (0) guests Announcements: President Marcellino reminded the membership to make sure AMA membership is Big Bird Fly­in and Club Picnic is Sunday, August 10th (Hosted by...

July Meeting Minutes

CRCM Meeting Report for July 11th, 2014 Meeting opened at 6:30 pm (at the flying field) Attendance: (20) members & (2) guests Announcements: President Marcellino reminded the membership to make sure AMA membership is Electric fly­in was July 6th (Sunday). Jim...

May Meeting Minutes

CRCM Meeting Report for May 2nd, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (28) members & (2) guests Announcements: Fred Cedarholm stated that Al’s Hobby Shop is officially closing It remains to be seen if it will be re­opened at a later date. Al’s...

Meeting April 4th, 2014

CRCM Meeting Report for April 4th, 2014 Meeting opened at 7:30 pm Attendance: (24) members & (0) guests Announcements: 1. President Marcellino reminded everyone to renew their club and AMA memberships if they haven’t done so already. 2. Field Maintenance...